Signature Program
Leaders YouTube

Medical information channel led by board-certified dermatologists!
Certified medical service provider in Korea

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Soprano Titanium Lifting
더블타이트 = 고주파 + 스킨부스터
엠페이스 세미나 개최, 리프팅의 새로운 트렌드!
엠페이스(EMFACE) 리프팅, 고민하고 있다면 꼭 보세요!
엠페이스(EMFACE), 지금까지 이런 리프팅은 없었다!
리더스피부과 명동점 랜선 투어
온다(ONDA) 리프팅 효과, 통증, 부작용
99%가 모르고 있는 온다리프팅
보톡스 이거 모르면 후회합니다!
날씬한 그녀의 시크릿한 몸매 관리 비결 온다 바디리프팅
울써티 리프팅, 이거 말해도 되나요?
리얼 콜라겐 주사 ‘레티젠’ 세미나 개최
온다(ONDA) 리프팅 효과
리쥬란 vs 엑소좀 vs 유스힐 vs 샤이닝 리쥬
써마지 FLX 숨겨진 비밀 공개
엑소좀, 이 영상 하나로 끝!
Leaders Specialist

The difference in experience makes the difference in results! 1:1 personalized treatment by dermatology specialists!

Leaders Network
Leaders Dermatology Clinic

There are many dermatologists,
but leaders are different.

Trusted First by Experts

We continuously research to improve our treatments, publishing,
our findings in academic journals and presenting at conferences both domestically and internationally.

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LEADERS DERMATOLOGY CLINIC: Researching and Leading the Way

Beyond anti-aging treatments, we strive for 'well-aging,'
where you age healthily and beautifully.
We actively participate in various academic activities and lectures to achieve this goal.

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A Network with Unmatched
Quality Management

LEADERS is not just a franchise sharing a name.

We regularly hold academic seminars and symposiums
to create opportunities for clinical experience sharing,
thereby enhancing our treatment expertise and quality.

We also conduct CS training by job and function to go beyond standardized
customer service and provide the best possible service
tailored to diverse customer needs.

Meeting Global Standards

We are committed to promoting the excellence of
Korean aesthetic medical technology
and attracting international patients.

Through active exchanges with various international medical institutions,
we strive to share and introduce advanced medical technologies,
contributing to the advancement of global healthcare.

Leaders Consultation Center
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